Sunday, September 19, 2010

FINALLY....we are expecting again! Our in-vitro worked and we are on our way to having a May baby!!!! We are super excited and cautiously optimistic all that the same time if that is possible. What a looooong and agonizing three years.....let's hope this one sticks! Our first beta came in at 192 and our second, four days later, came in at 1030 so things are progressing as they should. Our first sonogram will be on September 27th at 6 weeks and 4 days. This is a little earlier than they typically do the first sonogram but definitely early enough to confirm a heartbeat, which is the goal of this one for us. So here is the first picture of our little ones. One or both of these little perfect embryos is now our baby and we can't wait to meet him/her in May. Oh, also...for the sake of not having to call the baby "it" we have named it "Sprout". For anyone interested, there is a pregnancy ticker at the bottom of our blog that tells you how far along we are, gives you kind of an idea of Sprout looks like right now and how far we have to go....which right now is 242 days! hahaha! If you click on it there is a larger timeline that is pretty neat to look at!

Hope everyone says a prayer tonight for all of the other couples out there who haven't been successful yet and are wanting children of their own. We will always have a special place for all of those couples in our hearts. It is one of the most heart wrenching, trying, frustrating, just plain sad things that you can go through and believe you me....we are so grateful and know just how lucky we are.