Tuesday, November 30, 2010

OK....yes, there is much organizing to be done. Not much for "nesting" yet I guess BUT I am very much for clothes shopping and am very impressed with the job that we have done so far if I do say so myself :) :). This little girl is going to have a different outfit everyday!!! Shouldn't we all be so lucky? I am hoping to maybe convince Brett that I need the same! In nursery news, we don't have much to report but my mom did pick out and buy a crib and bedding yesterday. Very pink and very pretty!
And speaking of decorating, Brett's company moved him into his own spacious, private office thise week and I get to decorate it! So excited!!!
Only 170 days left until Miss Kate Hatley arrives!

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

It's a GIRL!!!
Yep! The sonographer told us 100%, paint the room and buy the clothes....you are having a baby girl!!!! We are so excited! Great job everyone that voted girl!
So, everyone say hello to

Sunday, November 21, 2010

The lot is cleared!
It still doesn't look like much here but they removed the construction trailer off of our lot and in person it looks a million times larger! We are so excited! They should break ground very soon!

I am 99.9% confident that I am feeling this baby move around already! I am measuring ahead of schedule, so right around 15 weeks currently. It is so neat to think that I can feel our baby....it is kind of like the start of our relationship! At first I was very hesitant to think that is what I was feeling but here is part of an article that I read from a very reputable source:

Some moms can feel their babies move as early as 13-16 weeks from the start of their last period. These first fetal movements are called quickening and are often described as flutters. It may be difficult to determine whether this feeling is gas or your baby’s movements, but soon you will begin to notice a pattern. First-time moms may not feel these movements as early as second-time moms. Some moms, especially those in their first pregnancy, may not feel movement until 18-20 weeks. Remember that each woman and each pregnancy is different, so you may not feel movement as early as another woman. There is a broad range of when the first detection of movement can be felt, ranging from 13-25 weeks.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

...NT Screen...
We had our NT Screen today and everything went perfect!
Our little Sprout checked out beautiful and healthy and is measuring a couple of days ahead of schedule. We got to see a wave (yes, there were 5 fingers & you can see it also in the first picture!) and a complete facial profile. We even got to see what looked like a yawn! The technician could not give us any idea what we were having though. Brett SWEARS that he saw a penis though and I left with more of girl feeling? We shall see! We are just happy to have a nice healthy baby on the way. I could go on that news for the rest of the pregnancy!

Monday, November 8, 2010

...Blue or Pink, what do you think?...
Since we will be getting an idea of what we are having soon, I thought it would be fun to take a poll and see what you all think. I could really go either way so I can't really give you any "mommy intuition" to go on - and Brett changes his answer minute to minute. My best friend, Peyton, doesn't get a feeling one way or the other. (But my cousin, Haven, thinks it is a boy). I am craving lots of sugar n' spice but have also enjoyed a ton of nice big juicy steaks? So what do you think...blue or pink?
vote to the right

Thursday, November 4, 2010

YAY! We are officially in our second trimester! I went to the doctor today, along with "Grandma Brown" (I can't reveal her grandma name until Chelsea comes in town for Thanksgiving because we chose it together and will announce it to her and everyone else then), and the doctor heard fetal heart tones over the belly...a big benchmark for us! We both got to hear it loud and clear and she said that it was nice and healthy in the mid 160s. "The bump" is beginning to make a little appearance now but probably not to the outside world. You can definitely feel it though and will be making it's debut very soon! Next appointment is on Tuesday and we will more sonogram pictures after that!
Have a great weekend everyone!

Monday, November 1, 2010

...A taste of things to come...
Hey guys, guess what? ONLY 199 days left until this baby's due date!
That is right around the corner......right?!?!?!?