Monday, November 21, 2011

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Cinderella's Pumpkin Patch

This past weekend we went to the pumpkin patch at the Arboretum with 3 other families. We had such a good time! Kate's boyfriend, Reid, was there along with Max and Abby. The theme was Cinderella and the way they had it set up was so neat! I LOVE this time of year! Here are some pictures of our great time...

what a ham!


sweet girl

MY pumpkin...

Cinderella and her pumpkins

our family

i know this looks strange but wanted to give you a good look at her eye color since it is hard to describe right now...

lounging on the lawn with my boyfriend

Friday, September 30, 2011

and 4 months later...

oh my, so much has happened since i typed the last post. i don't even know where to begin! catherine "kate" hatley philips was born on may 17, 2011 at exactly 12:15 in the afternoon. she was a little munchkin weighing just under 6 pounds. she was born with a FULL head of very dark, almost black, hair and big dark blueish brown eyes....which have not quite turned brown yet but we think that is where they are headed. brett and i checked into the hospital the night before we were to be induced not knowing that we would be up all night long. i actually begun having contractions before i was induced at about 10:30 that evening during a visit by my friend, angie. at 1:30am i was walking back from the restroom to my bed when my water broke. i got my epidural at about 9:30 the next morning, took a nap, and then a few minutes after 12:00 they said "oh my goodness you are ready to deliver!". it all happened so quickly! the doctor was there within the minute, the told me to push, and 3 contractions later our beautiful baby girl had arrived bright eyed and bushy tailed! one thing that everyone has said from the beginning is that kate is SO alert! and she is! she came out with her eyes wide open....and they remain that way pretty much all day every day to this day! lol. yep, our child does NOT like to sleep. well, i should correct myself...she doesn't like to nap. she has been sleeping through the night since 4th of July weekend! we are SOOOOO in love with her! she is by far the best thing that has ever happened to us! she is overall a happy baby that loves to be loved on and held and, especially at 4 months, has a very cheerful disposition. she LOVES to talk, loves to eat, loves to play, loves to swing at the playground, loves to laugh and LOVES mickey mouse more than anything in the world! her favorite food is peas surprisingly! (yuck!) she has had a lot of adventures her 4 months of life so far.....she has been to the lake 4 times, been to the beach in florida, been to a texas ranger game and has been running in the nature preserve with me every morning since she was 5 weeks old. by the end of october we will be able to add colorado to the list! she is head over heels in love with her daddy....and vice versa. they have the sweetest daddy-daughter bond! she also LOVES to swim in the pool and loves bath time. thank goodness because she had several bikinis to wear! :P she has lots of friends, including her best friend landry and boyfriend reid. she is definitely going to be a little social butterfly! some of the milestones that she has hit so far includes smiling, laughing, combining vowel sounds, rolling over (almost both ways), bearing all of her weight on her legs and eating food like a champ! right now she is in the 25% for weight, the 50% for head and the 65% for height. her hair has lightened up considerably since birth and surprisingly is coming in really wavy! she has her mommy's nose, chubby cheeks and big eyes and her daddy's mouth, hair color, eye color, skin color and i think she is going to have to really dark italian eyebrows too! she also has a lot of her daddy's mannerisms. when her little personality shows she looks so much like him! pretty soon we will know who's teeth she will have because her we can see her top two teeth coming down and the doctor says they should pop through in no time! here a just a few pictures from the first few months.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Last Day!

Today is our last full day at home without baby Kate! We cannot BELIEVE that the time has finally come for her to be here! So our next post will be all about her arrival and I am sure will include a billion pictures of her courtesy of her mommy & daddy and her aunt Chelsea who will be in the delivery room to witness her birth and with a camera to capture all of her first moments!

Be back in a couple of days!

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

here we go!

our appointment today went great! i am one centimeter dialated, which i know can last a long time, but i am very excited to be starting the labor process anyway. she said that her head is down low and that her heartbeat is good. they are going to hook me up to a monitor next week to check on her movement since it has slowed down so much but it is just a precautionary measure and i am sure that everything is just fine. soooooo....we also decided that unless she decides to make her debut earlier we are going to induce on May 17th! we are so excited that there is a definite end in site i can't even tell you!

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

so, i had an unexpected trip to the doctor's office today because i had not felt kate move for a couple of days. they asked me to come in for a sonogram to make sure that everything is okay. and it is. she scored perfectly on all tests and they said that her movement might have decreased so significantly because she has gained an entire pound since this time last week. so she is now estimated to weigh 6 pounds. i am really hoping that it doesn't increase that much every week because that would put her at 9 pounds on my due date! yikes! lol anyhow, no worries and i will still be seeing the doctor at our scheduled appointment tomorrow since she was not the one that i saw today. but since the sonographer told me today that she hasn't dropped at all i am not expecting anything to really be any different.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011 this girl...

we had a sonogram at our appointment today which was super exciting! miss kate is estimated to be 5 pound 1 ounce right now with about 2 more pounds to go according to the doctor. to our surprise she is cooperating and in the HEAD DOWN position! so change of plans...we now have no set date of arrival. guess we are working on kate's schedule now haha! she has a precious little chubby face and we were told by this sonographer as well, without even asking, that she has a pretty good amount of hair and that it seems to stick out kind of far? so exciting!

won't be long now!

Friday, April 15, 2011

...pettiskirts & feather hats...

Thursday, April 14, 2011

whoah baby!

oh no!

this is a little outfit for kate that grandma libby dropped by today. for those who don't remember, and if you went to elemetary school me i am sure you can't forget, my mom used to put an insane amount of HUGE bows in me and Chelsea's hair everyday. i thought that this onesie was so fitting and so cute! she found it at Dimples & Dandelions....the store that i think might be the best and worst thing that has ever happened to us! haha!

...workin' on my tan...

and yes, i am wearing a bathing suit! bought a bikini that (hopefully) i will only be able to wear for the next 3 weeks and 5 days but what can i say? a girl needs a tan in the summertime!?

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Doctor's Appointment

Our doctor's appointment today went great! She thinks that Kate is still breech and that "thing" that has been sticking out on the left side since she started growing....yep, that's her little head. We will know for sure on the 19th when they will check with a sonogram for position and weight estimation. It definitely seems like that is the way that it is going so we are sticking with May 11th due date! 4 weeks and 6 days....we can't wait!!!!

Monday, April 4, 2011

I was at my mom's house today looking at some pictures and came across this newborn picture of me. It was the first time that I thought I could really see some of me in Kate because usually I see a lot of Brett when I see the 3D pictures of her. What do ya think? Brett thinks that she has my nose :)

Friday, April 1, 2011

Just a few of the sonogram pictures from the beginning of March. I am pretty sure according to the size of my belly that she has doubled in size since then! And as of last week she

is still measuring ahead of schedule...woohoo!